Tips for Mentees (students)
1. Lead with Learning
As you go through your career, you will encounter several individuals who will help you along the way. The individuals that you encounter may be in your network, they may work for another organization, they may have a title that you hope to claim one day, or they may be involved in work that is completely different from the work you are currently doing. Regardless of the differences between you and your official or unofficial mentors, one thing will always remain the same—there is always something that you can learn.
2. Develop Your Toolkit
Thinking of everything that you want out of a mentoring relationship can seem intimidating, but it might be helpful to approach this journey from a skills-gathering perspective. Working with your mentor to both gain new skills and enhance the ones you already have, is a great way to measure your success. To give you a starting place, some suggested valuable skills to add to your toolbelt include: Conflict management/resolution, Relationship building, Critical conversation skills, Behavioral interviewing skills, Workflow assessment, Department/program goal setting, Financial planning, Listening skills, Budgeting, Mindfulness, Selflessness, Compassion, Knowing one’s own triggers and working to get them under control, Understanding of personal biases and tendencies, Providing corrective and reinforcing feedback, Communicating with empathy & De-escalating conflict
3. Invest in the Program & Yourself
As a mentee, be sure to take into practice the following suggestions: Seek guidance in a general or specific professional area, Ask a series of questions and discuss issues, Work on a broad career development plan, Work on early career development, Develop and utilize ethical and moral guidance, Ask for assistance in navigating professional settings, institutions, structures, and politics & Discuss professional identity development guidance.
4. Practice Networking Skills
Respect is a cornerstone of the mentoring process. In a world where resources are in short supply and stress levels at all-time highs, respect can serve as a social lubricant for mentoring—respect for both mentor and mentee. Without shared positive regard, encounters become taxing and productivity levels fall. However, it is from a place of respect that a mentor understands the multiple forces involved in the struggle for professional identity development in the mentee and it is from a place of respect that the mentee understands the time limitations under which a mentor struggles. Although respect is earned and develops over time, it is a wise mentor and mentee who enter their relationship from a respectful stance.
Active Listening is more than just hearing what the other person has said; it is a critical tool for effective communication.
● ACKNOWLEDGE – Look interested. Pay attention to each other verbally e.g. “I hear you…”, “Please go on…”, or non-verbally e.g. eye contact, nodding of the head, taking notes. Keep an open expression and manage potential interruptions.
● ASK QUESTIONS – Use open-ended questions to inquire deeper. What, when, why, where, who and how?
● PARAPHRASE or SUMMARIZE - to test your understanding. Repeat back the information you have heard for clarification and to avoid making unintended assumptions. Summarize for longer conversations. Use lead-in phrases like “I want to make sure I understand correctly…”, “So what you’re saying is…”, “Let me run by you what I have so far…”
● EMPATHIZE – Show your understanding of the other person’s situation by using words like “must” in conversation e.g. “Your deadline must be a concern for you...”.”This must be very frustrating…”
● REFLECT – Listen not just to the content but also to the context. Point out to the other person if the idea and the feeling convey different messages. Use lead-in phrases like “I get the impression that...” or “You seem conflicted by that…”
5. Have Fun!
We have a wonderful group of mentors who are excited to get to know and learn from you.